Are you yet to find a perfect muscle relaxant to treat your muscle spasms? Well, you are not alone. Take a quick look at the online medical journals or pharmacies and you will find several options. But, based on the popular choice, it is recommended to buy methocarbamol online and get some relief from the overbearing muscle pain you are experiencing right now.
When we talk about methocarbamol (Robaxin), the name cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) comes along. The blog will throw some light on the differences between these two medicines and clear up your doubts about which one works better as a muscle relaxer. Let’s find out.
What is Robaxin?
Robaxin is the brand name of the muscle relaxant Methocarbonel used for treating muscle pain or stiffness. People order methocarbamol online in USA to calm the overactive nerves in the body and relax the muscles. It comes under the drug class muscle relaxant.
What is Flexeril?
Flexeril is just the brand name of a popular muscle relaxant cyclobenzaprine. The medicine is used for relaxing the muscle that becomes spasmodic due to external injuries. The medicine is often combined with physical therapy and proper rest to ensure complete recovery.
Buy Muscle Relaxers Online from Shopemed
Are you troubled by muscle spasms? Quit the search for local pharmacies to get in the queue and buy the medicine. Rather, opt for the easier option of online shopping instead. Order methocarbamol online in USA from the trusted online pharmacy Shopemed and get the advantages of overnight express delivery, free shipping, COD payment, and 24/7 availability. Visit and place your order with ease.
Methocarbamol and Cyclobenzaprine - Are They Same?
Because both medicines come under similar drug classes, people often take both these medicines as the same. The similarity between these two medicines is that they contain antispasmodic agents and are also considered as skeletal muscle relaxers. However, in reality, the medicines are not at all the same as they don’t contain the same active ingredients. The dosages of the two medicines are not the same as well.
What Makes Methocarbamol and Cyclobenzaprine Different?
You can buy methocarbamol online or cyclobenzaprine from Shopemed for treating muscle spasms, lower back pain, muscle pain, and neck pain. Both these FDA-approved muscle relaxers are equally effective in treating muscle spasms caused by musculoskeletal conditions such as tetanus.
However, cyclobenzaprine is used for an additional health condition named fibromyalgia, a chronic pain in the body. Other than that, patients suffering from muscle spasms order methocarbamol 500mg and take it for short-term relief. Whereas, cyclobenzaprine is often recommended to be taken for at least two or three weeks.
The recommended standard dosage of methocarbamol is 3-4 times a day, whereas the extended-release dosage of cyclobenzaprine is safe to be taken only once a day. Now you know, although both medicines come under the same category, it does not mean that both of them are the same.
Which is More Effective on Muscle Spam - Methocarbamol or Cyclobenzaprine?
Well, that may seem hard to conclude in this way as both medicines have similar effectiveness on your muscle spasms. However, it is a must for you to combine cyclobenzaprine with physical therapy as well as proper rest to get complete relief. Methocarbamol intake does not always demand that. Once you buy methocarbamol online in USA and start your dosage, you will see that the effect of this medicine is surely faster and stronger than cyclobenzaprine. That is why it is recommended for short-term use. Cyclobenzaprine also relieves you from muscle spasms, but it takes a much longer time.
Is there a Difference between the Side Effects of Methocarbamol and Cyclobenzaprine?
Honestly, you won’t find any massive difference in terms of side effects between these two medicines. You may feel a bit dizzy, drowsy, nauseous, headache, or fatigued after you start the dosage of either of these medicines. However, for some people, the side effects can be quite overwhelming. In case you experience allergies, rash, swelling, or breathing issues, consider it the time to call your doctor. It is never a good idea to ignore any of these side effects to overpower you.
Based on the above discussion, you can conclude that methocarbamol is suitable for faster and stronger relief from muscle spasms and other muscle-related issues. Cyclobenzaprine, on the other hand, can also be an effective option for this issue but it must be combined with physical therapy and rest. Also, it takes a longer time to get relief when you take this medicine instead of methocarbamol.
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